Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

Friday, April 7, 2023

at 10:57 PM ,

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have become ubiquitous in today's world, with automation, robotics, and digital transformation being some of their primary applications. AI and ML are rapidly changing the way businesses and industries operate, bringing efficiency and innovation to a wide range of fields.

Automation has been one of the primary applications of AI and ML. Automation involves the use of technology to perform tasks that are repetitive, tedious, or dangerous for humans. AI and ML algorithms have made automation more intelligent, enabling machines to learn from data, identify patterns, and make decisions.

Robotics is another area where AI and ML have made significant contributions. Robots powered by AI and ML algorithms are being used in a wide range of industries, from manufacturing to healthcare. For example, robots are being used in manufacturing to perform tasks such as assembly, welding, and painting. In healthcare, robots are being used to assist with surgeries and provide care to patients.

Digital transformation is another area where AI and ML are playing a critical role. Digital transformation involves the use of technology to transform business processes and models. AI and ML are being used to analyze data, provide insights, and automate processes in industries such as banking, insurance, and retail. For example, banks are using AI and ML algorithms to analyze customer data, detect fraud, and provide personalized recommendations to customers.

However, AI and ML also raise concerns about the impact on jobs and the potential for bias and discrimination. As machines become more intelligent and capable, some jobs may become obsolete, and new jobs may require different skills. Additionally, AI and ML algorithms can perpetuate biases and discrimination if the data used to train them are biased.

Google's Project Glass

Thursday, April 5, 2012

at 10:28 PM ,

Project Glass... wait, what? A new way to see the world? On their Google+ page, Project Glass posted a video simply titled, ‘One day…’ that has already racked up half-a-million views within one day!

A group from Google[x] started Project Glass to build this kind of technology, that helps to explore and share your world, putting you back in the moment. They’re sharing this information now because they want to start a conversation and learn from our valuable input.

This glass also reminds me of Vegeta´s in DBZ lol


#2 Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

at 4:33 PM

Wordless Wednesday

Screensavers for Windows XP

Thursday, February 2, 2012

at 12:00 AM

aurora, bubbles, niwradsoft, polarclock3, screensaver

download from MediaFire -

Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

at 12:08 PM ,

ACTA adalah satu penguatkuasaan perjanjian harta intelek baru yang sedang dirundingkan oleh Amerika Syarikat, Komuniti Eropah, Switzerland, dan Jepun. Australia, Republik Korea, New Zealand, Mexico, Jordan, Maghribi, Singapura, Emiriah Arab Bersatu (UAE), dan Kanada baru-baru ini mengumumkan bahawa mereka akan menyertai juga.

Laporan awal menunjukkan bahawa akan di wujudkan piawaian antarabangsa mengenai penguatkuasaan hak harta intelektual di Eropah. Wakil Ireland akan menandatangani ACTA di satu majlis pada 26 Januari 2012 sebagai wakil 26 negara anggota Kesatuan Eropah, dan EU sendiri.
Sebaik sahaja perjanjian itu ditandatangani, ia boleh secara rasmi diterima pakai ke dalam undang-undang apabila ia telah diwartakan oleh Parlimen Eropah.

Banyak pihak menentang ACTA antaranya hacktivist dari Anonymous, Anti ACTA, dan Stop ACTA!